
For Payment Through : Paypal / Credit Card

* Online payment is instant verified. All order will process immediately.

You can view your order history by going to the My Account page and by clicking on History.

If you have any question please direct to the store owner.

Thanks for shopping with us online!


For Payment Through: Internet Banking / Counter Deposit / ATM Deposit / ATM Transfer / Cheque Payment

Bank Accout Information

MAYBANK - 5040 4940 6499 (Payable to "Lau Tat (Alor Gajah) Sdn Bhd")


Malaysia Internet Banking


Public Bank

CIMB Clicks

RHB Banking


After payment, you may use 1 of below methods to inform us:

1. Login to "My Account" page, select "Submit Payment Details" to fill in the payment details

2. By email the clear payment proof / receipt / transaction screenshot to


* Offline paymet will take at least 2 hours to verified and process, 1-3 days for Cheque / GiRO Payment.

